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A raw diet for cats made easy

Raw diet made easy for cats – here you will find a delicious recipe containing mostly meat, a small amount of vegetables, oils and our Vitamin Optimix Feline with volume elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium), trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, manganese and iodine) and vitamins (Vitamin A, D, E and B vitamins).

Feeding recommendation for adult cats (daily amount in gram):

body weight (kg)

meat (gross weight)



Vitamin Optimix Feline*

2.5 - 3.5

80 - 100

15 - 20

2.5 - 3.5

0.8 - 0.9

4 - 4.5

110 - 120

20 - 25

3.5 - 4

1 - 1.1

5 - 6

125 - 140

25 - 30

4 - 5

1.2 - 1.4

7 - 8

160 - 180

30 - 35

5 - 6

1.5 -1.6

*one measuring spoon (leveled) corresponds to approx. 1.0g

further information:


You can generally alternate between different types of meat every day. Meat differs in energy content due to different amounts of protein and fat, e.g. turkey is more lean than fatty duck. The composition of volume elements, trace elements and vitamins, however, differ insignificantly. You can feed meat raw or cooked. 

Once or twice a week, feel free to incorporate fish, e.g. pollock, salmon, into the diet, depending on your cats taste. You can also give stomach or heart instead of meat, once per week, if tolerated. This is not mandatory. 


Vegetables are mainly used as a source of fiber in cat nutrition. Carrots, cucumbers or zucchini are widely accepted by cats, especially when finely grated or pureed. Baby food with pure vegetables is also a good option.

Egg yolk and dairy products:

As a change you can also integrate egg yolk into the food once a week. Dairy products that are well received are yogurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese and curd cheese. If your cat tolerates those you can replace a small amount of meat (about 10-15g) with them.


  • Oils: the mixture counts! It is best to change daily between oils with plenty of Vitamin E (safflower, sunflower, corn germ or wheat germ oil) and oils with a high portion of omega-3 fatty acids (e.g. salmon oil). One teaspoon of oil is about 3-5g. 
  • Vitamin Optimix Feline supplement will provide the missing minerals and vitamins.


We wish you a lot of fun with feeding your cat! 



image credits:, 146729615, © DonaldBowers

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